Yogi’s Cooking Family

Yogi’s Cooking

Specializing in Healthy, Delicious Vegan and World Fusion Cuisine

Serving the Farmer’s Markets around the greater San Francisco Bay Area


This spring has been getting busier and busier for us at the markets. We are preparing for our busiest season this summer. It’s amazing to think  that when we started this business we were in 3 markets a week and have now grown to 17+ a week and still growing! We are all putting our hard work, love, heart, soul and energy into every aspect of the business. We are grateful to all our vendors for showing up every week and putting all their hard work and positive energy at the markets.

One of the things we are very excited about is changing all our containers, spoons, and bags over to compostable and biodegradable. We  been wanting to make the business 100% green/sustainable and organic from the beginning unfortunately, we had little capital  to invest and  relied on what little investment we received from family members. As we are growing with your support we are slowly able to make these changes. We are committed to staying true to our values and integrity to be in alignment with the Earth and all her inhabitants.

Here are a few photos below from Yogi’s cooking behind the scenes

In the Kitchen

Kristi and Yogi

Emily and Jacob celebrating Kristi’s birthday